Hljóðmynd - Soundimage

Friday, July 29, 2011

Queen kill a worker

I recorded a Wasp traffic close to Wasp nest in Reykjavik 7th of July 2011. First session was recorded when the hair of the mic´s furry was so close to the wasp nest´s door the queen could not access in to the nest. Slowly trough the session the queen gets more angry. And when I moved the mic from the nest she killed one of the two workers in the nest (sorry, I did not record that).The second session is recorded with the mic more far from the nest. The queen comes and goes when searching for food in daily life.
Most of the audible sound from the nest is the queen and workers footsteps and wing flaps when the queen leaves or accesses the nest.

See more and listen at: www.fieldrecording.net 
Download mp3 file one.
Download mp3 file two.

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