Hljóðmynd - Soundimage

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Stóri hver at Laugarvatn

Some weeks ago I found a 
photo gallery on the web. All those photos were taken by a Dutch photographer Willem van de Pool when he visited Iceland in the summer 1934. It was the year when my parents were born so it gave me a connection back to last century.
The quality of those photos is stunning. It looks like they have been taken yesterday. Most of the places are easily identified even though the surroundings have changed a lot.   Willem captured five pictures at Laugarvatn, a place about 75 km east of Reykjavik. At this time my grand grandfather was a landowner at Laugarvatn farm and a district administrative officer.
Following picture above shows some people relaxing in hot sand. This shore is just below a big hot spring named “Stóri hver” (not shown on the picture). Today this place between Stóri hver and the lake is so hot that the sand is used every day to bake a bread.
The following one piece recording was made 25th of July 2012, with BP4025 on a boom pole, moved close to the boiling surface between Stóri hver to Laugarvatn Lake. It starts at Stóri hver, then scanning the boiling sand and then to the lake surface.
 Download mp3 file  (192kbps / 30Mb)
Recorder: Sound Devices 744
Mic: Audio Technica BP4025
Pics. Sony DCS-P120 See more pictures. (See Willem van de Pool photos (gallery 1gallery 2)