Hljóðmynd - Soundimage

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What is under the Kayak?

Every time I´am sailing on my kayak I start to imagine how the world is beneath the kayak. When I got my Aquarian microphone it opened a whole new world for me.
In mid of August 2011 I recorded this world from the dock at Gufunes in Reykjavik. Most of the sounds are pops and crackles, possibly from shrimps and/or shells. The highest level comes from something that looks like someone is routing gravel on the seabed. But sometimes other strange sounds are audible, such as “birdsong”, “mumble Duck” “crying child” and “sounds from piano strings”. Other sounds are easy to explain like diving ducks searching food and small waves at nearby beach. At 11:40. min. a group of Kayak rowers pass by with a splashing sound.
Recorder: Korg MR1000 v/Sound Devices 552 preamp (24bit/96Khz)
Mic: Aquarian H2a_XLR (with 40cm interval)
Pix: Canon 30D (see more pictures

See more and listen at: www.fieldrecording.net 
Download mp3 file.